• 3413209424 - 34115407049
  • ferchu2004@gmail.com
  • Lunes - Viernes: 7:30am - 5:30pm
  • Santa Fe 1230 - Funes - Santa Fe
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We offer a full range of garage services to vehicle owners located in Tucson area. All mechanic services are performed by highly qualified mechanics.

We offer full range of garage services to vehicle owners in Tucson. Our professionals know how to handle a wide range of car services.

Engine Diagnostics 95%
Brake Repair 72%
Air Conditioning 89%

We offer a full range of garage services to vehicle owners located in Tucson area.
All mechanic services are performed by highly qualified mechanics. We can handle any car problem.

We offer a full range of garage services to vehicle owners located in Tucson area.
Our professinals know how to handle a wide range of car services.

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We are a friendly, helpful and professional group of people.
Our professionals know how to handle a wide range of car services.

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